Mind games pass time road trip
Mind games pass time road trip

  • Which of your friends would help you dispose of a dead body if you needed them to?.
  • If you inherited ten million dollars, what would you buy first (after all the bills/debt were paid off)?.
  • What situation do you want to happen so badly that you'd willingly commit a crime to make it happen?.
  • If your boss said he'd donate $10,000 to the charity of your choice, which one would you pick?.
  • What activities zap your energy the most?.
  • If you could go back in time to before you were born, what period of history would you choose?.
  • What do you wish you could spend more of your time doing?.
  • mind games pass time road trip

    What is your favorite way to relax when things are hectic?.See if the answers you predict are the ones that they actually give. Which of these forms of transportation would you buy a ticket for right now: a hot-air balloon, a steam locomotive, or a submarine?įind out if you really know the person you're dating by asking them these oddball questions.What would be your idea of a perfect 25th-anniversary trip?.What theme park would you most like for us to visit together?.

    mind games pass time road trip

    What do you like the least about travel?.What is your least favorite place you've visited on a trip?.If you could retire to anywhere in the world, where would it be?.What would be your ideal getaway for a long weekend?.What overseas location would you most like for us to visit together?.If we had to live in one of the places you've visited on vacation, which one would be your first choice?.Which of your childhood vacations would you most like to recreate for our kids?.What destination do you want to visit together next?.

    mind games pass time road trip

    Take inspiration from the way each of your minds are focused on your destination, with laser-like concentration, and ask each other some questions about the fun of traveling, places you'd like to go and see, and things you'd like to do together in the future. Pick Up and Move On With These Travel Questions

    Mind games pass time road trip